How to use Modal Verbs in German Language | Modal Verben mit Verb Konjugation

In German grammar, "Modal Verben" or modal verbs are a special group of auxiliary verbs that are used to modify the meaning of the main verb in a sentence. They are:

  • ·         dürfen (may/allowed to)
  • ·         können (can/able to)
  • ·         mögen (may like/to like)
  • ·         müssen (must/have to)
  • ·         sollen (should/supposed to)
  • ·         wollen (want to)
  • ·         möchten (to want)

Modal verbs have several important characteristics:

They are always used with another verb in the infinitive form.

They modify the meaning of the main verb in a sentence, usually indicating ability, permission, obligation, or intention.

They change form in different tenses and with different subjects, but they do not change according to the gender or number of the noun.

They are often used in the present tense to make suggestions or give advice.

Example sentences using Modal Verben:

  • ·         Ich kann schwimmen. (I can swim.)
  • ·         Sie dürfen hier nicht rauchen. (You are not allowed to smoke here.)
  • ·         Wir sollten pünktlich sein. (We should be on time.)
  • ·         Du musst deine Hausaufgaben machen. (You have to do your homework.)
  • ·         Sie wollen morgen in die Stadt fahren. (They want to go to the city tomorrow.)
  • ·         Ich möchte ein Eis essen. (I would like to eat an ice cream.)

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