German Language Alphabets & sounds | How to use German Vowels & Consonants

 The German language uses the Latin alphabet, which consists of 26 letters. Here are the letters and their sounds:

A - [a] as in "ah"

B - [b] as in "bee"

C - [k] as in "kite" (when followed by a, o, or u), [ts] as in "cats" (when followed by e, i, or y)

D - [d] as in "day"

E - [e] as in "egg"

F - [f] as in "fish"

G - [g] as in "go" (when followed by a, o, or u), [j] as in "jello" (when followed by e, i, or y)

H - [h] as in "hat"

I - [i] as in "ee"

J - [y] as in "yes"

K - [k] as in "kit"

L - [l] as in "love"

M - [m] as in "moon"

N - [n] as in "no"

O - [o] as in "boat"

- [p] as in "pen"

Q - [kv] as in "queen"

R - [r] as in "red" (rolled)

S - [s] as in "see"

T - [t] as in "top"

U - [u] as in "oo"

V - [f] as in "of" (in most words, although in some words it is pronounced like "v" in English)

W - [v] as in "very"

X - [ks] as in "taxi"

Y - [y] as in "yes"

Z - [ts] as in "cats"

Note that the pronunciation of some letters can change depending on their context or the word they appear in.

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