Personal Pronoun table in German Language | How to use Subjects & Objects in German Language

Here is a table of personal pronouns in German:


Subject Pronoun

Object Pronoun

1st singular

ich (I)

mich (me)

2nd singular (informal)

du (you)

dich (you)

2nd singular (formal)

Sie (you)

Sie (you)

3rd singular (masculine)

er (he)

ihn (him)

3rd singular (feminine)

sie (she)

sie (her)

3rd singular (neuter)

es (it)

es (it)

1st plural

wir (we)

uns (us)

2nd plural

ihr (you all)

euch (you all)

2nd plural (formal)

Sie (you all)

Sie (you all)

3rd plural

sie (they)

sie (them)

Note that the formal "Sie" pronoun is always capitalized in German, while the informal "du" and "ihr" pronouns are not capitalized. Additionally, German distinguishes between masculine, feminine, and neuter genders for the third person singular pronouns, which is different from English.


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